200hrs 28 Days Tantra Yoga Arts Shamanism Teacher Training Ecuador - May 2024

With Christoph Baumann, Malin Wind Disse, Jhoselyn Escobar and Carolina Cruz

May 5 - June 1, 2024

Address: Tumbaco, Quito - Ecuador

Contact: Daniela

  • $2,288.00 – Spacious Double or Triple Rooms with 3 delicious vegetarian meals included (1 person)
  • $4,356.00 – Two people reserving together in double room (2 people) with 3 delicious meals per day
  • $2,450.00 – single room with shared bathroom (only 1 available)

Kaula Tantra Yoga is a holistic cosmovision which contains not only asanas, but also, includes arts, medicine and sexual energy work, to form the tantric way of life.
In Durga’s Tiger School ® of Tantra Yoga Arts and Shamanism we teach different approaches to work on the physical body, plus is an experienced based training so we can live and lead a tantric lifestyle.
The traditional form of Kaula Tantra Yoga was transmitted face-to-face by Bhagavan Shanmuka Anantha Natha. It is unique because it changes not only the physical, but impacts the psychological, emotional, energetic and spiritual realms as well.
We work with asanas, kundalini, chakras, bandhas, pranayama, mudras yantras and mantras.

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training: the approach

In the first 200 hrs you get in contact with an experience based access to a Yoga Teacher Training. You start a path into a not aim orientated but a magical way to live your live. You enter a transformation process with ancient practices, that have been secret for hundreds of years.
You will learn how to be a co creator of your own live. In the first 4 weeks the main focus is to understand this different approach to be not only a teacher of asanas, but a holistic being teaching sacred practices to free ourselfes and so future students from the prison of old habits and patterns in a playful way of approaching reality.

Kaula Tantra Yoga is rooted in Uttara Shaivism, or Kashmiri Shaivism, one of six Śiva traditions.

Students approach the asanas from a place of relaxation, care, and love for themselves.

Tantra Yoga facilitators approach students as whole human beings and support to unify body mind and soul. Their priority is to hold a space of self-acceptance, with a clear guidance support your process.
Our team is composed by many passioned and motivated teachers who have several years of experiences in yoga, tantra, arts and shamanism. We are a rotating team, so that we can hold a fresh and high energy in all our training

We are a Yoga Alliance and Yoga Alliance International certified school.


Our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training course follows a very elaborate and proven energy choeography to guide and accompany you through a beautiful and challenging process of personal exploration and experience.


Daily: morning meditations and kaula tantra yoga classes
Once a week – 1/2 hours blocks of: Pranayama class, Mantra and sacred songs class, Durga’s Tiger Dance class, Psycology of Chakras class
Once a week – 3 / 4 hours blocks of: Applied tantric philosophy class, Intuitive Anatomy class, another yoga form such as partner yoga, acro yoga or hatha yoga, Arts class or Shamanism class
Weekly community experiences: Karma yoga, Taking stick, Heart to heart communication


Includes, mantras, pranayama, asanas, different morning meditation techniques
With the rising popularity of Yoga in the recent past many different styles and teachings have established themselves. So what does the Kaula Tantra Yoga practice offer you?
The sequence taught at our school comes straight from an ancient lineage and is based on the teachings of Bhagavan Shanmuka Anantha Natha. We work with asanas, bandhas, pranayama, mudras and mantras. Different to other practices this series is practiced in a slow and flowing manner to build patience and awareness. Each asana is held gently for a period of time to allow students to relax into the posture. This way, each individual finds their own unique way of expressing the asanas without pressure of competing or ‘performing perfectly’.


In Hatha Yoga practice students move the stagnation of the body and mind. Through asana, meditation, pranayama and yogic philosophy we meet our physical and spiritual strength that cultivates the energy that empowers our lives. This practice is complimentary to Tantra Yoga as it gives students a perspective yogic style that comes from the evolution of traditional tantra yoga, enabling students to gain a deeper understanding of both Hatha and Tantra.


Through Kundalini yoga, students learn another approach to the energy work in yoga. Students explore pranayama, chakras theory, the concept and work of the Kundalini energy. Students explore and cultivate the energy of the two poles, masculine and feminine inside of themselves and all around.
Please note: we don’t train the modern Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.


As we are living in Ecuador with a huge indigenous population, students also have the opportunity to learn about Andean culture, its cosmovision and its similarities with eastern culture. During the course, shamanistic energy concepts are explored together with the Tibetan tantric tradition. There are parallels in how these two different traditions understand energy, astrology, subtle anatomy and physiology. We are very proud to work together with different wonderful Shamans from Ecuador.


We will approach the vision and methodology of the Kaula Tantra yoga practice in these classes. We will develop a connection with our inner body intelligence, learn how to read it better and act according to its current needs. It’s about the combined powers of the mind and the physical body and the effect of being totally in harmony with the messages we perceive form our bodies in each moment.
We will learn the main principles of tantra philosophy, the Ayurvedic knowledge, alignment, Pranayama to understand the traditional yoga practice and its benefit on the whole human being in all its levels- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.


Durga’s Tiger Dance is a form of movement developed by Iris Disse based on energy work and different dance styles. It is yet another form through which students deepen their creativity and intuition through techniques of liberation of the voice and relaxation in body movement.


Mantras, the science of sound, in Tantra represent a powerful tool of liberation of the mind and connection with higher states of consciousness. We explore different mantras during our meditation practices, mantra chanting circles and yoga practice.
We use mantras and sacred songs of indigenous cultures to connect with spirits of nature and mystery of creation.
The teacher training also involves chanting of spiritual “come together” songs from different cultures.
Students explore the vibration that the sound creates within us and at the same time they learn about the use of the voice as a tool to guide people into yoga practice


Chakras are centers of consciousness located in our subtle bodies. They store information about our different stages of development including our strengths and blocks. In the training, the chakras are experienced through dance, yoga, breath and meditation. Another approach is to deal with the psychological component of the chakras.
They represent developmental issues that we humans have to face step by step, e.g. anchoring in the family, detachment, growing in the field of tension with the opposite and finding our very own path. We learn to recognize archetypal patterns in the chakras and explore them through our own biographical history.


These classes are a powerful opportunity of self discovery. As the course is based on experience we will create active and participative classes where we will work on some of the main aspects of Tantra.

PARTNER YOGA (present only in some courses)

We will discover the joy and the importance of support and be supported, The challenge is to take care of the sacred space dancing between me and my partner, and I experience the joy of giving and receiving.
In these classes we will keep on working on many asanas of the kaula tantra yoga serie, using the approach of tantric wisdom, in which we will focus in presence, senses, connection, body communication and in this way we will create the dance of Shiva and Shakti.


Derived from ayurvedic wisdom this ancient foot massage was used to prepare warriors for battle as well as open the physical and energetic bodies before the Yoga practice. Working with partners it’s a very effective, meditative and intuitive way to give and receive before the Yoga practice. The massage touches many important Marma Points as well as softening the muscles.


The temazcal is a place where we can connect with Mother Nature and the 4 elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air.
It’s a half round space that can be made out of different materials like wood & blankets or even earth (clay). In the center there is a hole where the hot stones come in bringing the heat into the Temazcal. This stones are warmed up by the fire before transported into the Temazcal.
Inside of the temascal we put the different herbs, copal on the stones & poor water on them so that the water can evaporate and create heat inside.
When the ritual starts, people chant Drum, rattle and pray to the great spirit of nature.
In this way the temazcal can be seen as a particular type of sweat lodge that is considered to be a symbol for the woom of Mother Earth as it is dark, hot and wet inside just like in the belly of our mother.
The Intention of the Durga’s Tiger School Temazcal is to allow Healing, energetical cleansing and Last but not least to allow the TTC Groups to connect as the spiritual community that we are. This is why it is a community Temazcal.


This work is a fusion of tools and experiences that can be used in art & life. Get in touch with your inner child and intuition, develop the right side of the brain and lateral thinking, release patterns and blockings, open your ears and eyes to the present moment and to others, work in group in more effective and loving ways, and increase your creativity and artistic skills by looking at things in a completely new perspective.

About the Leaders

Christoph Baumann

Christoph is a German actor, theatre director and teacher based since 1984 in Ecuador. His theatre works made him travel through almost all countries of Latinamerica as well as Mexico, attending festivals and directing plays. His works as an actor in film and internet opened his career to a vast audience in the Spanish speaking […]

Learn more about Christoph Baumann

Malin Wind Disse

Wind Malin Disse was born in Berlin, Germany. From the age of 3 years old he has been living in Ecuador with exception of a view years in Switzerland. He graduated as an Anthropology in Ecuador, and went to Germany for advanced studies as a Migration Manager. Besides Wind loves extreme sports and to play […]

Learn more about Malin Wind Disse

Jhoselyn Escobar

It was the Tsáchilas who introduced her to the first cacao plant in all its stages, since then she has worked with agricultural projects, being able to learn the importance of connection of earth to cosmos.. Feeling the call of the Ilaló back in 2020, she was accredited with 500 hours RYT at Durga’s Tiger […]

Learn more about Jhoselyn Escobar

Carolina Cruz

She completed her certifications in Pilates Mat with a specialization in post-rehabilitation, later she was certified in Myofascial Training, Functional Rehabilitation for Athletes, Pelvic Floor Training and Cupping, sports massage and Ayurveda massage. She is also a certified teacher in Barre Method, Yoga, Kaula Tantra Yoga, Pilates and Suspension Yoga & Pilates, Hatha Yoga, with […]

Learn more about Carolina Cruz